Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/app/htdocs/ninja/vendor/cerdic/css-tidy/class.csstidy.php on line 886

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/app/htdocs/ninja/vendor/cerdic/css-tidy/class.csstidy.php:886) in /home/app/htdocs/ninja/vendor/cerdic/css-tidy/css_optimiser.php on line 150
CSS Formatter and Optimiser/Optimizer (based on CSSTidy 1.5.6)

CSS Formatter and Optimiser

(based on csstidy 1.5.6)

Language: English Deutsch French Chinese

Important Note: Your code should be well-formed. This is not a validator which points out errors in your CSS code. To make sure that your code is valid, use the W3C Validator.

CSS Input:
Code Layout:

Case for properties:

For bugs and suggestions feel free to contact me.